Certification Institute
What is an Academic Coach?
An academic coach works in an educational environment and has conversations with students to support their success and persistence in their education and life. Generally, an academic coach works one to one with students in an effort to support that student’s academic needs / goals.

Institute Length and Times
The Institute usually begins on a Sunday and concludes on Wednesday by noon. We usually hold an institute in the Summer (in August) and also in the Winter (in January).

Institute Costs
The institute moves to various areas of the country in order to reduce costs of local colleges and universities. ACTP Member price is for a member $550 early bird and $700 regular. For a non-member the price is $750 for early bird and $950 regular. Please be aware that space is limited to 40 people for the institute due to the activities and nature of the training. For the past few years, the institute has been sold out two months prior to the scheduled event.
Sample of Program
Module 1
Academic Coaching Basics
- Pre-Work Assignments
- Introduction to Academic Coaching
- How we think – Paradigm Shift
- Brief History of Coaching
- Why and what is academic coaching?
- Coaching Alliance
- Difference between coaching and other support activities
- Tools of Coaching – Behaviorism and the Grow Model
Module 2
Ethics and Coaching the Student
- Ethics and Coaching the Student
- Informed Consent
- Confidentiality
Module 3
Theoretical Foundations of Academic Coaching
- Choice / Reality Coaching
- Humanistic Coaching
- Coaching through Positive Psychology
- Neuro Linguistic Programming
- Solutions Focused Brief Coaching
- Prochaska and Di Clementi Stages of change
- Cognitive Behavior CoachingCognitive Distortion Cognitive RestructuringQuestioning Rational Emotive Behavioral Coaching
Module 4
Coaching the student
- Building Trust
- Active Listening Nonverbal behaviors
- How to Ask questions
- Goal-Setting
- Establishing Trust and Rapport
- Beginning and Ending a Session
- 5 A’s plus additional models
Module 5
Motivational Interviewing
Module 6
Assessments in Coaching
- Learn how to use assessment tool
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
- Coaching Questionnaire
- Observe modeling of how to incorporate assessments into coaching sessions.
- Learn how to integrate assessment results into your feedback coaching preparation process
- Practice giving assessment feedback
- Understand the ethical use of assessment tools
Module 7
Toolbox Support
- Metacognitive strategies
- Workshops
Module 8
Developing and Evaluating a Coaching Program
- Assessment of emotional intelligence
- Key concepts of emotional intelligence
- How to coach for Emotional Intelligence in coaching
- The emotional intelligence competency model
- Best practices in coaching emotional intelligence
Get additional Information
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P.O. Box 737 East Stroudsburg, PA 18301